7 Rules to Increase Your Customer Success

7 Rules to Increase Your Customer Success

When a customer buys or subscribes to your product, they’re investing in themselves and their brand. To maintain customer success, you shouldn’t see the relationship as only one-sided. You both have invested in each other and should work toward a shared goal of customer satisfaction.

Although negative reviews happen, they don’t have to be permanent or lasting impressions.

That is why your knowledge of what customer success is creates a moving target — what you did six months ago may no longer work today. Here are some rules that can help you improve your results.

1. Invite them to the conversation

If you want to be successful at customer success, start by inviting your customers into the conversation—not just once or twice, but consistently over time. Your customers want to know that they’re being heard and valued by you as much as they value their experience working with your product or service.

2. Be a partner, not a vendor

The best way to build trust with your customers is to be an equal partner in their success. If they feel like they have an active voice in their relationship with you, they’ll be more likely to come back for more.

3. Learn from your customers and empower them with your knowledge

Asking questions about what your customers are doing well and what they struggle with will help you understand their needs better and provide value through information that can help them achieve success on their terms. This also gives them the incentive to work with you again—they’ll appreciate that you care enough about their success that you want to learn from them.

4. Make it easy for them to get in touch with you

Make sure that your website has a contact form, or at least a phone number and email address that customers can use to get in touch with you. This is especially important if you are selling something time-sensitive, like a service. You don’t want potential buyers to have to go through the hassle of creating an account just so they can send an email asking about your service.

5. Invest in your customer success team

Customer success is an ongoing process that requires dedicated employees who know the company’s products inside and out. It also requires training and support resources so these employees can provide the best possible experience for their customers.

6. Give feedback on their success as well as their failures

Customer feedback is crucial to improving your business practices and creating a positive customer experience each time someone interacts with your company—whether it’s through social media or traditional channels like phone calls or emails; make sure there’s a channel in a place where customers can share both positive experiences as well as negative ones (if applicable) so that everyone involved knows what changes need to be made

7. Don’t make assumptions

It’s easy when talking with your customers to assume things about them based on their behavior—for example, that they’re not interested in your product because they haven’t responded yet—but don’t do this. If someone doesn’t respond within a week (or whatever time frame works best for you), try contacting them again. Your message might have gone into spam or gotten lost somehow—and there could be all sorts of reasons why they haven’t responded yet.